Captivating Maine Coon Felines: Behold the Splendor of These Affectionate Giants through 30 Stunning Snapshots

Do you dream of owning a lion as a pet? If so, you might want to consider getting a Maine Coon cat instead. These stunning domesticated felines have long, beautiful fur that looks like a big cat’s mane, but they are much less dangerous and can grow up to four feet long, making them a majestic addition to your home. Photographer Robert Sijka was captivated by this breed and decided to capture their beauty in striking portraits that showcase their big cat vibes, from cute kittens to full-grown cats.

Sijka has two passions in life: photography and Maine Coon cats, and luckily for him, these interests complement each other perfectly. When he moved to China with his family 14 years ago, they started to miss the company of animals, so his wife Izabella began a breeding program for Maine Coons eight years ago. After the birth of their first litter of kittens, Sijka knew that he had to share these adorable creatures with the world and decided to take photographs of them.

Photographing any animal is a challenge, and cats present an additional obstacle – they won’t stay still! Sijka has no magic formula, but he has two tried-and-true methods for capturing endearing images: lots of practice and plenty of patience. He and his wife now have a cattery called OtiCami that houses 20 Maine Coon cats and kittens, giving him plenty of opportunities to hone his skills.

Sijka sells his work as prints, phone cases, blankets, and more in his online shop, the Felis Gallery.

With a family-owned cattery called OtiCami, he has the privilege of having 20 cats at his disposal to practice and perfect his skills.

Coming Soon: More Photos of Gorgeous Maine Coon Cats!

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