“The Unforgettable Bravery of a Loyal Canine: Defending Against a Venomous Cobra and Leaving Behind a Touching Legacy”

Rewritten: “Brave Dachshunds: The Story of a Selfless Act”
In an inspiring act of bravery, a beloved family pet lost its life while protecting its owner’s infant from a deadly snake in Kidapawan City, Philippines. The heart-wrenching moment was caught on camera, showing two black and white dachshunds fearlessly standing up to the threatening cobra.

As the first to spot the sneaky serpent slithering into their front garden through the gate, Moxie, the white dachshund who just turned two, didn’t waste a second before sounding the alarm through barks. The brave black dachshund named Miley then took it upon herself to fearlessly charge forward and grab hold of the dangerous cobra with her jaws. Captured on video, the heroic pups can be seen taking turns fighting off the snake, with one biting its tail while the other fiercely goes after its head.

The cobra put up a fight for about two minutes, but it was eventually taken down. However, its retaliation left Miley with serious bites. Unfortunately, the four-year-old dachshund did not survive the encounter and passed away shortly after. Moxie, on the other hand, was left blind due to the venom from the cobra. This tragic event occurred last Friday while the owner’s one-year-old baby, Skye, was asleep in the house. It’s a heartbreaking incident.

After coming back home, Skye’s dad Jaime Selim and his wife Pauie got wind of their dogs’ heroic deed from their household staff, who had watched the surveillance video. In an expression of gratitude, Jaime said, “When we got back, our staff told us everything that had happened and showed us the footage. We were both taken aback and extremely proud of our dogs. I can’t thank them enough for keeping my daughter Skye safe. We’ll miss them terribly.” The Selim family didn’t waste any time getting Moxie to a nearby vet. Despite miraculously surviving the ordeal, she unfortunately lost her eyesight due to her injuries sustained during her brave defense of her family and their home.

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