“Heroic Feline Sister Takes a Dangerous Hit While Protecting Her Brother from Harmful Intruders”

Protective Sister Cat Sprayed in Face with Poison Trying to Shield Brother from Getting Hurt

Sharing is caring! Meet Gretel and her brother, Hansel. These feline siblings were recently saved from a very unfortunate situation. They were hungry, stray kittens living behind a grocery store dumpster, trying their best to live off scraps of food.

Someone intentionally sprayed poisonous chemicals in their faces, with the intention of harming them. Witnesses reported that Gretel stood in front of her brother and shielded him from the chemicals with her body. Despite being injured, Gretel bravely took the brunt of the injury, trying to protect her brother.

A kind Samaritan brought some cats to a local animal shelter, who then contacted Sarah Richardson of Community Cats of Central Arkansas for assistance. Sarah, an experienced critical-care cat rescuer, warmly welcomed Hansel and Gretel into her home with open arms. “My heart breaks for these two, but I’m glad we have them here now,” said Sarah.

Gretel still has a long road to recovery ahead, but Sarah is determined to see her thrive. With the worst behind them, Hansel and Gretel can finally feel safe knowing they’re in good hands. “We want them to receive lots of wet food, treats, medicine and endless love,” said Sarah. Initially, Hansel and Gretel were understandably timid, but all of their fear soon melted away.

When they were first rescued, they behaved somewhat wild, but now they have become the most affectionate cats in our care. Gretel, in particular, has shown incredible progress in her emotional recovery despite experiencing cruelty. She loves and trusts humans unconditionally. “She is the most precious cat we’re fostering right now,” Sarah said.

Gretel adores the limelight and expresses her gratitude through gentle nudges and kisses. She is fiercely protective of her younger brother, Hansel, and he reciprocates this sentiment towards her. The sibling duo is inseparable, taking care of each other and finding comfort in each other’s company.

Sarah expressed amazement at how much the cats love each other and believes they will be adopted out as a bonded pair when the time comes. Despite the difficulty of adopting cats as a pair, Sarah is determined to wait for the right family. As for Gretel, she is facing a challenging recovery that requires daily medicine and frequent veterinary visits, but she handles it with grace and courage.

Sarah stated that cats like Gretel are the reason they rescue animals. She believes that Gretel deserves a second chance, and they will make sure she gets it. Gretel is the sponsored cat of the month for their Meow Mail program and requires food, supplies, and medical funds for her ongoing long-term care. By donating $10, donors will receive a personalized letter with heartwarming updates on how their donation changed Gretel’s life. They encourage individuals to consider making a recurring donation to receive Meow Mail each month for future cats and kittens in critical condition.

Sarah expressed her gratitude towards everyone who supported her and all the other injured and sick cats. She acknowledged that their support is the reason why they are able to save so many cats.

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