Angel of the Streets: A Schoolgirl’s Compassion for a Stray Dog is a Beacon of Hope on Her Journey Home

On a rainy and somber day, Mayane Rodrigues witnessed a heartwarming sight through her apartment window in Brazil. Looking down at the street below, she saw a young girl arriving home from school, who, without hesitation, set aside her belongings and removed her coat in the pouring rain. As Rodriguez observed closely, she noticed a drenched stray puppy lying at the girl’s feet, and it became clear that this act of kindness was all for the helpless animal. The compassionate actions of the young girl towards the puppy truly warmed Rodriguez’s heart, showcasing the beauty of selfless acts of kindness in even the most unexpected moments.

Angel' Spotted Saving A Stray Dog On Her Way Home From School - The Dodo

Rodriguez observed with admiration as the young girl gently cradled the dog in her arms and walked away. To him, she seemed like a guardian angel in that moment. Reflecting on the incident, Rodriguez shared with Dodo, “It was all so sudden and filled with emotions. I shared the video with a friend who then spread it within our community group, leading me to discover the identity of that heroic angel.” That courageous angel goes by the name of Cibely Stiegelmair, a 12-year-old girl who selflessly rescued a life that day.

Cibely’s mother, Rejane Stiegelmair, was shocked when Cibely came home with a wet and sweaty puppy in her arms, with blood on her shirt. Initially concerned that Cibely herself was injured, she soon learned that the puppy was the one in need of help. Luckily, the puppy’s injuries were not severe, and with some love and attention, it would soon be as good as new. Cibely couldn’t bear to see the puppy alone and knew she had to step in and care for it herself.

“Cibely is such a compassionate person. She feels deeply sorry for the stray dogs,” Rejane remarked. “If she could, she would take them all in.” The dog, known as Pretinha to Cibely, is lovingly greeted as it enters the home.

The circumstances surrounding Pretinha’s accidental pavement mishap remain a mystery, but one thing is for certain – Cibely has stepped up to ensure a brighter future for the stranded pooch. “We’ve always been proud of Cibely as parents,” her mother expressed, “but now our pride knows no bounds!”

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