A Hopeful Stray Dog Seeks Salvation, Desperate to Join a Rescue Convoy.

Newly surfaced on various media platforms are some truly heartwarming pictures that have captured the attention of people worldwide. These touching photographs depict a lovable canine playfully chasing after a group of soldiers who are on patrol. The images have now become a sensation, captivating individuals not just in Korea, Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam, but across borders, as they yearn to know the heartwarming tale behind this delightful encounter.

A few individuals on the internet have speculated that the dog may have been a homeless pup that happened to catch the soldiers’ eye during their assignment and subsequently decided to accompany them willingly.

According to a report from Los Tiempos, the pictures were captured by photographer Luis Fernando Chumacero in Tupiza, Bolivia while the community was under quarantine. The images depict military personnel carrying out patrols to enforce health protocols and ensure everyone’s adherence to the regulations.

Regarding the beloved dog named Gorda, she is not a stray wandering aimlessly, but rather a beloved member of the military barracks. Each group of soldiers takes in these dogs, who reside and train alongside them.

Colonel Luis Pacheco, the Director of Army Logistics IV Department, clarifies that Gorda holds a special position as a symbol for their division. When the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic occurred, Gorda voluntarily started accompanying the troops assigned to handle pandemic-related tasks during their patrols.

As the soldiers in the vehicle observed his enthusiastic approach, they playfully caught hold of his “brother” and decided to follow suit. By sheer luck, a photographer managed to capture this heartwarming moment. Just as Gorda excitedly jumped into the vehicle, another grey dog swiftly joined in. This second dog is known as Multicam and serves as the beloved mascot for a division.

While conversing, a few modifications were made to the image displaying the two canines. It would be delightful for online users to acknowledge the sheer cuteness of both dogs and how they have effectively brought joy to individuals even during these challenging times of a pandemic.

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